Thursday, September 13, 2012

Advocare 24 Day Challenge- Day One

In one year I have been able to lose 33 pounds (all of my baby weight accumulated during my two pregnancies).  It wasn't easy. I am not, nor have I ever been one of those girls that can maintain a decent physique eating whatever I want and calling a walk around the block to redbox, exercise (bitches). So please don't hate me.* It took constant diligence in noting and tracking everything I put into this big mouth ( I used the loseit app), along with a continued workout plan, maintaining six days of exercise every week (I love Turbo Fire, though I am finally getting bored with it after a year of sweating with Chalene).

 * My best friend maintains that if I succeed in my battle against the evil bundt, people are sure to hate me. I can get over that :)

So after all of that work, 33 pounds and 4 pant sizes how can I still be unsatisfied? Well, first off, I'm an American and it just kind of comes with the territory. Secondly, I still wouldn't feel comfortable grocery shopping in a bikini ( I don't think I would ever actually do this, but I would like to at least have the option). But, mainly, and most importantly, I just want to be really healthy and fit. I want to be the best I can be. At 31 years of age, I know that I have never achieved that and I figure now is as good a time as any.

To achieve my goals I have set up a two-part plan. Help yourself and help others while you're at it. My first step was to start taking Advocare products to increase the effectiveness of my workouts. Previously I was taking one ninth of the suggested daily dose of hydroxy cut and that was making me really sick. I think that company is horribly irresponsible. If one pill before a workout could make me so violently ill and grumpy (raging bitch) imagine what nine would do ( I'm imagining a bald, bug eyed monster screaming at bunny rabbits)!* So any way, I started taking Advocare Spark instead, and it has been amazing! I feel great and my calorie burns have significantly increased ( I track that with a heart rate monitor). And that brings me to the title of my first blog.

* I have nothing against bald people. In fact, I usually find them attractive. I just don't think it would be a good look for me.

The 24 day challenge is a bundle of Advocare products that you take for... 24 days. The first ten days are a cleanse. You get to drink Spark, which makes me happy (previous cleanses that I have done allowed for no caffeine or energy drinks and I have a super hard time with that. Raging bitch.) You also take a fiber drink, an herbal cleanse pill, an omega three supplement and pro-biotics. A clean diet ( fruits, veggies, whole grains and lean proteins) is recommended for maximum results and you should drink lots of water. Easy enough. The second phase of the challenge ramps up your metabolism, helps you build muscle, fills you with nutrients and includes new products (we'll get to those later, since this is already a billion words long).

Today was my first day and it was awesome! I feel great. I have energy and I am beyond excited.        

Low points were as follows- 1. Taking before photos ( who ever likes that part?)
                                            2. Excitedly telling the cashier at the store about my cleanse and having him ask                                            "How many times have you pooped today?" in front of a whole line of people.
                                            3. Changing diapers (but I do that every day so it doesn't really count)

High points were as follows- 1. Crushing the Fire 60 workout and feeling really strong
                                            2. Rice cake with hummus, jalapenos, smoked salmon and hot sauce
                                            3. Talking with my team ( there are seven of us doing it together) and                                                 joking about the fiber drink.
                                            4. Writing this blog entry

I'm probably going to write every day, so I hope it's not annoying. But let's face it... I can't drink booze for 24 days so what else am I going to do :)


  1. Yes! I love that you are writing a blog! Plus, you write so well. You so funny! I can't wait to read along with you. You should include some pictures and stuff! Plus you could post about the recipes you make from pinterest and give your thoughts/advice/etc! Yeah! It's gonna be awesome!!!!

  2. Yaaaay, you're going to do great hunny bunny!!! Can't wait to take the challenge someday.

  3. Can't do the kind of challenge you're talking about, but love that you'll be writing about it! Hang in there Girl! I'm with you in spirit!
